The haunting “what if” questions
about the past
What if …”
… Mother Nature hadn’t unleashed such fury
… ‘xyz’ hadn’t been done or said
… the stock market hadn’t plummeted
… the relationship hadn’t gone sour
… an election hadn’t turned out the way it did
… the accident hadn’t happened
… a loved one hadn’t become so ill or died
can bring about distress, anxiety, fear, depression, anger, self-blame, guilt, and cause our heart to beat irregularly.

We so often forget that
what has passed, has passed  
and cannot be undone.

The pondering “What if” questions
of the future
“What if I …
… journey down path ‘A’ instead of path ‘B’?
… say yes to an invitation extended my way?
… take the risk and explore a new line of work, vocation, interest?
… join a group, take a course?
… make time to ‘be still’ and consider the gifts within me?
… pick up the phone and call someone who is hurting?
… reach out in love to myself as well as to God and my neighbour?
… vote?
… help others to get out and vote?
… stand up, speak out, get involved in my community?
can lead us to discover hope, challenge, and the joy of soul-enriching possibilities.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could keep in mind that
what lies ahead
has yet to unfold 
and *can* be done.
May we walk down the Path Of Can Be Done.


© June Maffin