“Whatever the future holds … we’ll be each other’s strength.”   Those words spoken by a very special man on our wedding day and often repeated to one another throughout the years were true.  True then … for the two of us.  True now … even though he has died.  True … for us all.   In this world of uncertainty, we can be … we must be … “each other’s strength.”

Before closing the blinds last night, the wondrous silver beam of light
shone brightly in the sky and brought a reminder of those words and a hope that in spite of troubling news and times, there will be a tomorrow.

When clouds began to form and the moon became hidden; when its light diminished and seemed lost as sometimes happens to us when clouds
of fear, isolation, loneliness, sadness, grief, self-doubt begin to form and cover us and it feels as if our light has gone out; like the moon we are still here, simply covered up, waiting for the time, when the cloud passes, and the light shines through … hope.

The words written and spoken by one man to one woman and back to him,
can be the words written and spoken by us all … to one another.

Whatever the future holds we’ll be each other’s strength.”
(Hans van der Werff)  Rest in peace, my beloved.  Rest in peace.


Photo & Text © june maffin