When darkness seems pervasive
… darkness of the future, the pandemic, the protests, the potential looming war in Europe, the climate change, the medical diagnosis, the bills that cannot be paid …

When darkness comes and fear of the unknown reigns
When pain persists and fear of the unknown rules
When sleepless nights are commonplace and fear of the unknown dominates

May friends and strangers pray and help us rise from the darkness
for one more moment
one more hour
one more day.

When darkness comes
When pain persists
When sleepless nights are commonplace
may we concentrate on the love that surrounds
may we concentrate on the hope that sustains
may we concentrate on the healing that is coming
as friends, family, doctors, nurses do what they can
with their loving thoughts, prayers, professional care, kind actions
to help us rise from the darkness
for one more moment 
one more hour
one more day.


An aside: This prayer can be used by individuals by substituting “we and us” for “I and me.”

©  june maffin   
