Oh, Rabbit and Bear … you are quite the team!

To have this pop up in my Facebook newsfeed today, October 17th, of all days (it would have been our 12th wedding anniversary) well, you both said it all.

When my husband Hans died 5 1/2 years ago, a part of me died too. But knowing what the future would have been like for him (skin cancer, then colon cancer, then esophogeal cancer diagnoses) and seeing him literally waste away, be unable to eat, live in constant pain, be unable to speak and knowing it would only get worse, as difficult as it was to accept, there was a deep sense of gratitude that his suffering was over and an inexplicable awareness that finally, he was at peace and that we would be “together forever” some day.

Thank you, Rabbit and Bear and especially Canadian artist Tara Shannon who created this lovely image.

When we die …. ahhh. When each of us dies, may we go into the hearts of those who have loved us so that “we’re together, forever.”


© June Maffin
Artwork by Tara Shannon (used with permission) (https://www.tarashannonwrites.com/about)

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