When the busyness of life grabs us, or when we think we have no time, energy, creative juice or zest for life, perhaps it is time to ask ourselves “Where’s the balance?”   Maybe we don’t allow ourselves to simply “be” and instead, we focus on ourselves as a “human do-ing” rather than a “human be-ing.”

Instead of doing things which drain us to the point that the passion-to-create or the desire to spend quality time with self/family/close friends is no longer paramount (or maybe even existent) in our daily activity, maybe it’s time to give ourselves the gift of Presence.  A time when we nurture our Spirit … are gentle with ourselves … breathe in calm, peace and healing; breathe out anxiety, fear and pain.   

Maybe it’s time to recognize that we don’t have to “do it all” … that saying “no” or “not at this time” is exercising wisdom … and that acknowledging our vulnerability isn’t weakness, but strength in self-awareness.

Giving the gift of Presence to ourselves can become the catalyst for the precious balance so necessary to a life where the spirit grows, personhood evolves and healing, health and wholeness can emerge.  May we give ourselves the Gift of Presence this coming week.


©  June Maffin
www.soulistry.com (/blog)