There are times when we experience wilderness moments
… when temptation calls us to sow seeds of negativity in our social media posts, blogs, conversations,emails, thoughts
… when wild beasts of anger, fear, disillusionment, bitterness, resentment are ravenous and eat at the core of our personal peace and corporate unity.

Those wild beasts and temptations can be deadly.

How can we resist the temptations
remain steadfast in the face of the wild beasts
raise one another up, instead of tear one another down
be encouraged when we falter
have willing hearts to forgive one another and ourselves
be mindful about what is good in this world
repent of those moments when we allow temptations and wild beasts to detract us

Those times when we feel unloveable,
may we feel unconditional love.

Those times when our bodies hurt,
may we know a gentle, healing touch.

Those times when our minds are confused and stressed,
may we be blessed with a sense of peace that passes all understanding.

Those times when the storms of life have battered us,
may we experience a soft embrace.

Those times when all we seem to hear is a cacophony of cruelty, gossip and negativity,
may we know a comforting, encouraging and affirming ‘still, small Voice’ within.

When life seems bleak, the future seems uncertain and/or frightening,
may we discover a glimmer of a spirit of hope.

HolyOne-Who-Meets-Us-In-The-Wilderness, hear our prayer.

© June Maffin