Wonky World. It’s a wonky world these days.

For some reason, those words wouldn’t leave my thoughts last night as I worked on a lovely pumpkin design by Suzanne Crisafi. But for me, it wasn’t working out to be ‘lovely.’ The Ecoline markers I had weren’t the ‘right’ colour. My hands were more shaky than usual. And vision was a wee cloudy.

I wondered how, on the eve (of the south-of-the-border-from- Canada) American Thanksgiving weekend, the ‘wonky world’ words could be appropriate. How to be in a posture of “thanks-giving” at a time when the world is so out or sorts and at times, frightening? Wonky world, indeed!

But I carried on and before I knew it, the card was complete with a very wonky pumpkin and flowers, the unplanned lettering appeared (ever-so-wonky), and a smile began to curl on my face. In spite of the wonkiness of the world, of this country, of this community, there is always reason for gratitude … big, small, huge, insignificant.

May each day be one of gratitude … ‘thanks-giving’ … even a ‘Wonky World Gratitude.’

© june maffin