Disturbed By God

This book (originally published by Anglican Book Centre in Canada and Forward Publishers in the US) is now out of print. It is now available here as a pdf / ebook through secure PayPal.

Please contact me if you have payment problems: junemaffin @ gmail dot com

Here’s the Introduction to the Book:
We often overlook those moments when God speaks to us … those times when the Creator “disturbs” our lives.

Could it be that we miss those moments because we tend to look for dramatic evidence of God’s direction, when ordinary instances abound? If only we were aware of those moments – those ‘disturbances’ from the Creator, God, the Universe.

The intention of this book (a record of such disturbances in the life of the author) is to encourage others to reflect on their own faith journey and become more aware of such disturbances in their lives.

Framed by poetry in the Prologue and Epilogue, the Chapters narrate the life of an ordained (in the Anglican/Episcopal church) woman.

Reflection Starters follow each section of the narrative and include questions which are designed to:
* Encourage attention to the situations in your life you may have ignored, not noticed or forgotten
* Challenge deeper reflection about your life / ministry / work / relationships
* Enhance your understanding of spirituality, religion, life.
* Nurture your spiritual journey

* Provide information to help you work with the material in the book.

May your journey with the Holy One who called you into being, 
continue to “disturb” your life in ways that are exciting, challenging, nurturing, encouraging and fulfilling!
June Maffin
junemaffin @ gmail dot com