Yesterday, for western Christians, it was Easter morning.

I remember last year very well.  It was early.  Very early.  It was cold.  And dark.   The sun hadn’t yet climbed over the horizon.  It was overcast. It felt damp.  And, it was beautiful.

By the water’s edge, people of all ages gathered, to pray and worship outdoors by the water’s edge, share Hot Cross Buns, drink hot chocolate and coffee, nibble on mini chocolate Easter eggs and celebrate the beginning of the Season of Easter.

Yes, the air felt damp.  Yes, it was cold.  Yes, it was overcast.  And yet, it was beautiful.

It became a gentle reminder that in the midst of chaos, there is always something for which to be grateful – a smile, a helping hand, safety, a gentle hand on the shoulder, a soldier keeping guard, a volunteer risking their life, a baby, a cup of hot soup, a blanket, a bed, the gift of breath.

This Season of Easter is an opportunity – an invitation – a reminder to each of us to look for some thing, for some one about which we can be grateful.  It can be simple, complicated, big, small, expected, unexpected.

Happy Season of Easter!
Fifty days!

© June Maffin


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