Welcome Spring, to this part of the world.
Welcome Vernal Equinox.

Well, you’re technically here but please … may we have a little less cold, no more frost (or snow!), and more sunshine.  May we please have more blossoming flowers and shrubs and plants and trees … more chirping birds … more happy sounds of children at play outdoors … and did I mention – more sunshine and warmth?  Please?

Oh, and may there be little, oh so very little, time between the official beginning day of spring which was this week … and when the frost and snow and overcast skies depart, bringing a S P R I N G: new life to us all: new life in Nature; new life in aching bodies, new life in relationships; new life in political realms.


In anticipation of that happening and in thanksgiving for the fiftieth anniversary of Mr. Rogers’ of tv fame, I want to sing, a la Mr. Rogers’ style, 

Welcome to our neighbourhood.
Won’t you be our neighbour?”



© June Maffin

Photo taken in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island
in British Columbia, Canada.