Are you putting up a Christmas tree and want to add some simple and easy-to-make decorations? Are you making / giving gifts and looking for some simple and easy-to-make gift tags? How about making some Dot Mandala tags to put on the tree and / or use them on gifts – or as gifts? Or adapt them for other times of the year.

Here’s how …

In a nutshell
… the paint: acrylic paint (the stuff from the Dollar Store)
… the ‘dot’ tools: can be special dot mandala tools which can be purchased on-line OR you can use the eraser end of pencils, embossing styluses, straight pins (if you’re doing really ‘fine’ work), dowels, different-size round brushes heads, etc. In other words, look around at your home/the Dollar Store and see what different things you have that will make different sized ‘dots’.

Get some black cardstock/watercolour paper (I like working on dark navy or black, but any colour background will work). This technique also works great on rocks, CD’s and records which are best first painted (acrylic) in a solid colour and then dried before dotting the surface.

Steps: The Dot Mandalas are made from creating a circle. Then divide it into various ‘even’ sections (quarters / eighths) and into smaller circles (if you want some guidelines) all using a white erasable pencil – white charcoal pencils work great as do tailor’s marking pencils.

Put a little bit of each acrylic paint colour you’re going to use in a small paint tray or on a dish. I like the idea of just using white on black for Christmas, but did do some with colour. To begin, put a dot in the centre of your circle and add dots working outwards. Remember to refresh your paint with each dot … change dot sizes and clean your tool/pencil end between each dot. If you want to make smaller “dots” in a line, don’t refresh your paint each time. The paint does the magic on its own. ðŸ™‚

A bit of a warning <g>, this can become addictive! But, it’s a very inexpensive art form with all sorts of possibilities (design / colour / original shape / turning into a handmade card).

I’ve found making Dot Mandalas to be a gentle meditative process.  Hope you do, as well.

© June Maffin