When life hits unexpectedly, it hurts.  And when it hurts, it can wound – not just physically, not just emotionally, not just spiritually.  Sometimes all three.

When life hits unexpectedly, when life happens and pain results …
When life brings exhaustion beyond imagining …
When the rain of sadness is in our heart,
What then?

Hopefully …
~ the Holy One of Compassion will be with us,
holding us close when we are weary, hurt, alone.
(May Holy Compassion be with us.)

~ the Holy One of Mercy will be with us, forgiving those who have caused pain, forgiving ourselves, forgiving Holy Other.
(May Holy Mercy be with us – you / me.)

~ the Holy One of Gentleness will be with us,
caressing us with sunlight, rain and summer winds and shining through us to all who hurt and are lonely.

(May Holy Gentleness be with us.)

~ the Holy One of Wonder will be with us,
delighting us with sunrises, daisies, songs, baby’s laughter, enchanting our senses, filling our hearts, giving us wide-open eyes.
(May Holy Wonder be with us.)

~ the Holy One of Simplicity will be with us,
opening us to a clear vision of what is truth and dealings with others will be marked by honesty, which is simplicity.
(May Holy Simplicity be with us.)

~ the Holy One of Patience will be with us,
waiting with outstretched arms and encouraging us to “be still, deep within ourselves.”
(May Holy Patience be with us.)

~ the Holy One of Love will be with us,
listening, drawing us close as we tremble, lighting fires of faith and hope in the hearts of all.  May holy love glow in our eyes. May we meet love of the Holy One in the eyes of others.
(May Holy Love be with us.)

~ the Holy One of Tenderness will be with us,
enfolding us with the desire to bring warmth to those who are dis-eased in body, mind or spirit.
(May Holy Tenderness be with us.)

~ the God of Strength will be with us,
holding us close, on eagle’s wings and we will be the sacrament of God’s strength to others.
(May Holy Strength be with us.)

~ the God of Peace will be with us,
stilling the heart that hammers with fear or doubt or confusion, bringing the warm mantle of peace cover those who are troubled or anxious.
(May Holy Peace be with us.)

~ the God of Joy will be with us,
thrilling us with holy nearness, filling our heart to fullness, and our soul with an awe that is profound.
(May Holy Joy be with us.)

And hopefully, the God of Forgiveness will be with us,
encouraging us with strength, peace, and love.
(May Holy Forgiveness be with us.)

So that “when life hits”
we have a sense that we are not alone.
Amen. So be it.  Amen.

This prayer can be adapted for personal use by using the word “me” in place of “us.”

© June Maffin

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