“J’ai peur.”
“I’m scared.”

As hurricanes, landslides, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, fires  make their way islands, homes, businesses, animals, people, “J’ai peur … I’m scared” are words that are heard.

As politicians make unwise decisions which could lead to civil unrest and perhaps war, “J’ai peur … I’m scared” are words that are spoken.

What to do in the midst of experiencing fear that “gut-wrenching, can’t explain, keep-me-awake” type of fear?
I wish I had the definitive answer.

Sometimes admitting our fear to ourself/another is helpful.    Sometimes it helps to focus on slowly breathing “in” saying/thinking/whispering/praying the word ‘peace’ as we inhale and saying/thinking/whispering/praying the word ‘fear’ as we exhale can help.   Sometimes it helps to “create” something – in the kitchen, garden, shop, studio, on the computer, in our Journal … can help.  Sometimes repeating Dame Julian of Norwich’s words:  “All shall be well.  All shall be well.  And all manner of thing shall be well” can help (and using our breath to say them … inhale and say “all shall be well”; exhale “all shall be well”; inhale “and all manner of thing”; exhale “shall be well.” 

And sometimes … nothing we do seems to help.

The feelings of helplessness,  abandonment, lack of control overwhelm us.
Our breathing becomes shallow.
Our heart races.
Our mind won’t stop thinking.

At such times I take comfort in the reality that somewhere in the world, someone is experiencing a spiritual oasis bymeditating; inviting peace for others; sitting cross-legged and chanting; saying the Rosary; receiving Communion; reciting the Shema; praying the Daily Office; thinking / sending / praying / whispering good thoughts; holding those experiencing fear in their heart, mind and spirit
… and I am comforted.

Because of our common humanity, regardless of our religious or spiritual belief, I know that am not alone.

To all in the path of fury of Mother Nature, or in the path of the pandemic or that path of politicians out of control, may you be comforted.
You are not alone.
It may feel like you are
but you are not.
In some way, at some level, we are connected.

To all in the path of fury of human nature, may you be comforted.
You are not alone.
I  may fell like you are
but you are not.
We are connected.
In some way, at some level, we are connected
… connected by the intangible essence of compassion, empathy, prayer, love.
Our humanity.

It’s okay to admit our fear in spoken and written word.

Admitting our fear helps move it out of the darkness
and the power fear wields over us is no longer as strong as it was
even a moment ago when fear was boxed-up inside us.
It’s okay to admit “I’m afraid.  J’ai peur.”



Photo and Text © June Maffin