Ot’s been snowing most of the day, gently dropping light flakes from the sky
over flowers that seem to be in a petrified state by last night’s frost.  Power remains on, fireplace glows with soft light and gentle warmth, soup bubbles on the stove, quiet music plays in the background. What a blessing it is to be safe and warm, fed and relaxed. But many are not.

They are outdoors at night. They are outdoors during the day. They are cold and hungry and fearful. Clothing can be shared. Food and shelter can be provided.  But what to do about the emotional and spiritual dis-ease that continues to devastate individual lives, families, countries, this world.

Perhaps hope can be offered by these flowers from our garden.  Frozen on the vine this morning, this afternoon they were transformed into an arrangement of unusual beauty by love.  Love – the key to open the chamber of fear … to speak to wounded hearts … to address societal wrongs
to set-free creativity and joy … to bring about reconciliation, transformation
… and welcome hope.

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Photo and Text  © June Maffin