Soulistry is right on target, suggesting that creative playfulness is a very important part of a lively spirituality. The Gospel of Matthew tells of Jesus saying that we need to become as little children in order to see the Kingdom of Heaven. Childlike creativity and playfulness improve our spiritual vision. We are encouraged to forget about expectations, our own and those of others, and to mount up as on eagles’ wings. Rise and fly. And then we will come to know that the Kingdom of Heaven is before us, around us, among us and within us.

In Soulistry, author June Maffin invites us to live in the context of playfulness, to breathe deeply of inspiration, to reach out and hold hands with imagination and creativity. Come on in; the Water’s fine! Get your “feet wet” in a Journal Prompt (a meaningful quotation), and play in the powerful tides and gentle waves of the Soulistry Soul-Questions. Take your time. Seek the thoughts and questions that stir your spirit, and journal a bit. Let your soul hop and skip and leap for joy! We are as little children playing — sometimes alone, sometimes with others, and always in the participating presence of God.

Let us play! May we say that as often and as earnestly as we say, “Let us pray!”

Michael Anne Haywood is a retired teacher of exceptional children. She lives in Winston-Salem, NC.

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