If only it were possible
to see democracy surviving.
Even “just a little bit.”  
But, the loss of democracy is on the rise
in the United States,
around the world,
and even here in my beloved Canada.

The phrase “It wouldn’t happen here.”
has been spoken by people who voted for someone who told them what he would do
and when he began to do it, they came up with excuses.
And then more things happened that they didn’t think would happen 
and they made excuses.
And now??
When climate change and the threat of nuclear war are added to 
the rising hatred, violence, terrorism,
it’s not surprising that people are asking “Is any place safe these days?”

And the answer to that question?
Schools are not. 
Universities are not. 
Hospitals are not. 
Marathons are not. 
Sport events are not. 
Homes are not. 
Public events are not.
Streets are not.
Religious buildings are not. 
Government buildings are not. 
Shopping centres / malls are not.

Fear grows more and more as personal lives are dramatically impacted.
Intolerance spreads as “someone” must be the reason for prices going up, jobs being lost, hatred increases.
And the “us” and “them” language develops its own life.

When that happens, we forget that joy abounds
… weddings happen … lives are celebrated … babies are born … lives are extended because of medical intervention … children laugh and play … elders share their wisdom and experience
… musicians, photographers, dancers, painters, thespians, calligraphers, potters, weavers, chefs, gardeners, carpenters, fabric artists, knitters, landscape artists, writers and many others
continue to awaken the creative spirit, touch the soul and inspire the mind.

It’s understandable that when fear and negativity rise to the surface
decisions made by leaders focus our attention
on the death knell of life. 

If only it were possible to see democracy surviving.
Even “just a little bit.”  

My spirit grieves for the lives that have been lost,
the erosion of democracy,
the ways selfishness keeps us from changing our habits to protect this planet for future generations.

What can be done?
We can choose to see our world entering the death of the tomb.
Or we can choose to see our world entering the birth of the womb. 

I don’t want to give up.
I won’t say the world is doomed.   
I believe in possibility.
Perhaps a baby is being born this day
or a child is already born
who may conceive of a way to bring compassion out of this chaos
who may find a way to save this planet from climate devastation
who may find a way to motivate people to a world of kindness, compassion, love, community and hope.

May we not give away our ability to choose to face each tomorrow
with hopeful expectation/anticipation
… even if it is only “just a little bit.”


Photo and Text: © June Maffin




“Meraki.” [may-rah-kee] May today be a ‘MERAKI’ day. 🙂

Modern Greeks often use the word ‘meraki’ to describe “doing something with soul” … when you put something of yourself into whatever you’re doing.

Meraki is about creative, loving, soul-awakening acts. Whether preparing a meal … caring for a garden … creating something artistic … caring for someone who is ill, lonely, grieving, in pain … arranging a room … tangling … praying for a situation/person … whatever. If it’s done with soul, with passion, with love, then it’s ‘meraki’.

An ancient Chinese proverb offers a gentle reminder of ‘meraki’:
“If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.”

This weekend in some parts of the world, some are sharing ‘light in the soul’ … ‘meraki’ … in acts of kindness, thoughtfulness, loving gestures/actions as they mark Valentine’s Day. Expressing ‘meraki’, they are letting another know that they are ‘hearted’ – loved’.

Sadly, while of this is happening, some are alone, receiving none of the above. They are lonely, isolated because of illness, weather, grief, hurt feelings, poverty, self-hatred, fear – oh the fear caused by politics, evil leaders, equally-evil minions.

This Valentine’s day of commercial love is anything but a day of soul, of joy, of love.
Where is the meraki?

If you are one of those people, my hope is, if only for a moment, you will consider yourself “hearted,” and loved, and receive my little cyber Zentangle® Valentine ‘heart.’ May you experience the love that went into its creation.

May this Valentine’s Day be a little brighter than it might otherwise have been, and bring a gentle flicker of light in your soul.

May the wise Chinese proverb come to fruition, so that there will be MERAKI
“light” in each soul
“beauty” in each person
“harmony” in each home
“order” in each nation
“peace in our hearts, countries, world.”

And may we “be each other’s strength”: https://soulistry.com/lets-be-each-others-strength

P.S. If you’re into tangling and would like to have the step-out of my TuliLuv (upper right corner of the heart), just let me know. Happy to send the step out. 🙂

© June Maffin

Let’s Be Each Other’s Strength

Let’s Be Each Other’s Strength

I watched tonight’s news. Sure don’t like doing that, but know I need to keep informed because things are moving sooooo quickly – not just in the United States, or Canada, or Ukraine, or … but everywhere. 🙁

What can we do?
We can “be each other’s strength”
… by being kind
… by being gentle
… by being open to hope
for others
and ourselves.

And if we believe in prayer, we can pray for
… those who are letting evil guide their decisions
that they would not be motivated by greed, lust for power

We can pray for this world.
And we can pray for its leaders who are working hard – in spite of personal danger
to keep democracy alive.

Let’s “be each other’s strength.”


© June Maffin

Photo: unknown photographer. If you know, please let me know so appropriate accreditation can be shared. Thank you.

All Shall Be Well

All Shall Be Well

A friend wrote: “I don’t know how the world is going to manage four years of this. I really honestly don’t know, because if this is just the beginning, what’s going to happen from here?” Neither does anyone else know what’s going to happen.

But whatever happens, we cannot lose hope.
We cannot let evil win.

While evil may take over for a while,
it must not take away the soul of the people.

I believe we can survive this – the “we” being humanity.

While the United States has been at the forefront since DJT took over the White House, while and his unofficial co-president continue to shock Americans with outrageous statements and decisions, there are other countries in similar predicament … or are on the brink if upcoming elections go certain ways.

I believe that “we” … humanity … can survive.
I believe that we “must.”
I don’t see this as the literal end of the world, as do some.

I draw strength from the words of a woman who lived centuries ago and who wrote these words “All shall be well. All shall be well. And all manner of thing shall be well.” While I wish Dame Julian of Norwich had written “All things ARE well”, she did not. She simply said that they SHALL BE well.

The question for many is — when will wellness happen – for the people of Ukraine? for the people of the city of Djibo, Burkino Faso? for the people of El Fasher, Sudan? for the people of Gaza? for the people of the United States? for the people of Canada, Mexico, Panama?

And will it happen – in our generation? in our children’s generation? in the generation of our grandchildren or great grandchildren or beyond that?

We don’t have the answers, but we must hold fast to the “SHALL BE” well and in the meantime, do what we can to maintain our emotional, physical and spiritual wellness of today.

For some, that means taking a break from social media – from the news – from talking about politics – from certain family members – from certain friends – from certain community / on-line groups that continuously talk about politics.

For some, it means being proactive – calling politicians, writing letters to politicians, being active on social media, speaking up-and out.

And we can send thoughts of protection and loving concern to others in the form of financial support, prayer.

Evil must not permanently destroy the essence of what it is to be human – of taking care of ourselves and doing what we can to bring kindness and compassion into the world around us.

And, we remember to breathe – as this yellow daffodil did in my garden, surrounded by a foot of snow.


© June Maffin

Those Who Cannot Remember The Past …

Those Who Cannot Remember The Past …

Dear friends, This is not like the kind of post you would normally expect to find here on “Soulistry-Artistry of the Soul”. And yet – and yet, when I think about Soulistry, (its origins, purpose, raison d’être), I think of spirituality and recognize that for me, the essence of spirituality refers to the aspect of human life that seeks meaning, purpose, and connection beyond the everyday material world. That often involves exploring inner beliefs, values, and experiences that connect me to something larger than myself, whether that’s understood as a Higher Power, the Universe, Nature, or simply the interconnectedness of all life.

Soulistry (aka for me, ‘spirituality’) is a personal daily journey of self-discovery and personal growth that hopefully inculcates inner peace within me and a sense of belonging/connection with others for I believe that we are connected to one another – on many levels.

Lately, that ‘connectedness’ has felt fragmented
… as more and more countries are finding their sense of democracy being attacked
… as more and more people are frightened, terrified even, of what they see happening and anticipate even experiencing
… as more and more relationships in families, work places, communities, places of worship are disintegrating.

It’s been less than three weeks since the ascendency of one man to the presidency of the United States which ushered in chaos and fear at very deep levels. Like others, I was upset – very upset – though at first I was not very public with my thoughts. But with each passing day as Project 2025 seemed to becoming a reality, that changed. I posted the following on my personal Facebook page and tonight realized that it was time – and appropriate – to post here.

********************** P.S. It’s lengthy ********************************

If you’ve been following me on Facebook over the years, you know that the past 16 days, give or take a few, my FB postings on my personal page have been unlike me. I’m usually not political in public or on social media. But since DJT moved into the WH, I found myself speaking out – more and more. I don’t see that changing.

And here is why … in high school, I was a history buff. Mr. Jake Snyder was my teacher and he made history come alive for his students. He was a gifted teacher – passionate about history – a teacher who reinforced the words of George Santayana, the Spanish-American philosopher and author of “The Life of Reason” who wrote “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

I learned a lot about WW 11 from Mr. Snyder. And then as an adult, I learned about WW11 from … a visit to Dachau in Germany … a visit to Yad Vashem in Israel … a visit to a Florida school of a Jewish friend’s children where we had to enter via a locked door with a security guard behind bullet-proof glass and then use a code to enter the classrooms.

When I married my husband who was much older than I, he told me stories of what he experienced growing up in the Netherlands during WW11. I wish I’d never heard any of them. They were terrifying. At the time, I thought along the lines of “so glad lessons were learned and won’t be repeated.”

One night, before DJT was elected the first time, while watching the news together, my husband became unusually quiet and held his head in his hands. After a few moments, we talked and his words sent a cold shiver down my spine. “It’s happening again. I see it happening all over again.”

He was right. It is. As much as I miss Hans every day, and wish that cancer had not invaded his body and ended his life, I can honestly say that I am grateful he is not alive to experience what is happening. So that is why I speak up, speak out, blog, write letters … to try and encourage those who cannot see what is happening to look, really look … before it is too late.

And if they need a school refresher update, I encourage them to read their high school history book about WW11. It’s history and easily available to research and authenticate. It’s important to remember that when Hitler first took office, he knew he needed more than just laws to stay in control—he needed loyal enforcers who would carry out his agenda without question. While the SS didn’t officially take over in the first two weeks of Hitler’s rule, the seeds were planted.

What we’re seeing now with Trump’s second term is the same playbook. It’s called Project 2025. Same focus – white male supremacy … different century.

Mr. Snyder taught his students well. Not only did he teach us to learn from history, but to speak up when we saw injustice, when we recognized evil, when we knew deep within our gut that things are not right.

So, that’s what I am doing and I encourage you to do the same because those who believe in and support … DJT and his minions in the United States … the Conservatives and Pierre Poilievre in Canada … the far-right National Rally party of Le Pen and figures like Maréchal … the Fratelli d’Italia party in Italy … the AfD (Alternative for Germany) party in Germany … Călin Georgescu of Romania … are underscoring a broader trend of increasing far-right and neo-fascist influence in global politics … specifically about the future of democratic institutions and civil liberties.

The global surge in far-right movements raises concerns that we must not ignore. We must speak out – resist – speak up – demonstrate – write letters – vote them out of power … not vote them into office.

There are people en route this moment to Guantanamo Bay — where housing is not yet ready, where children and pregnant women and the disabled and elderly will be housed. By any other name – a concentration camp.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

© June Maffin

Photo: by the Vegan Monster, Pexels, used by permission

FEBRUARY: Imbolc – Candlemas – Groundhog Day and a Celtic Prayer

FEBRUARY: Imbolc – Candlemas – Groundhog Day and a Celtic Prayer

Another month begins … February 1st … and this year, it’s a day and month with a number of things to mark
… St. Brigid’s Day (more about her, below) 
… Imbolc/Imbolg, a Gaelic festival which celebrates the arrival in longer, warmer days and early signs of spring in some places
… Candlemas (the Presentation of Christ in the Temple)
…  Groundhog Day
… the beginning of Black History Month (well, after recent news events, it’s unlikely there will be any/much official mention of that.
… the anniversary of the abolition of slavery in the United States (1865) – that, too.
… the day the president of the U.S. imposed 25% tariffs on Canada and he and his minions inflicted even more frightening decisions on the American public.

Clearly, what is needed is some calm – some sense of hope – some reminder that joy, love, light are still here.

When I took this photo, I was reminded of a lovely Celtic prayer based on the Caim (Gaelic – meaning a ‘circling’ / ‘enfolding’) used by early Celtic Christians, based on a prayer found in the Gethsemane Chapel, Wells Cathedral, England.

Still used by those who value its benefits of ‘protection’ or ‘sanctuary’), I remembered St. Brigid – one of Ireland’s patron saints.  Presumed to have been an early Christian nun, abbess, and founder of several monasteries of nuns, it said that she often visited homes and farms to offer blessings of protection … “enfolding/circling” of homes and livestock.

This is the Celtic prayer known as the “Enfolding Prayer.”

“Encircle me this night with your presence.
Keep joy within.  Keep bitterness out.
Keep generosity within.  Keep greed out.
Keep love within.  Keep self-seeking out.
Keep light within.  Keep darkness out.”

I am praying this prayer each night and do a second verse … replacing “me” with specific focus: Americans, refugees, the world, etc..

May each of us do what we can to keep bitterness, greed, self-seeking, darkness “out” so that joy, generosity, love, and light may be kept “within”.




© June Maffin