Those familiar with the Artist’s Way or with popular modern therapies, know well the importance of journaling. Morning pages, the stream of consciousness daily deposit advocated by Julia Cameron, reveals to those who write them the mysteries of their moods and an eventual break to inner chatter. Many authors, inspired by Cameron’s effective system for breaking creative blocks, take Cameron’s wisdom and embellish it with their own methods, giving Artist’s Way travelers and their ilk next steps after the prescribed twelve weeks of creative focus pass.

June Mack Maffin’s own spin on creative recovery poses questions to the reader; Socrates himself might crib notes. The book consists of a series of questions to prompt creative journaling and intense introspection. An explorer of the inner planes face puzzles such as “Loving Your Enemy” and “Peace Within” followed by questions that rifle memories for the birthplace of attitudes and open doors to ideas unconsidered.

Soulistry takes the work of Cameron and pushes the borders: many of the questions reveal details about the soul a journaling person might feel unprepared to receive. A person needing inner work can get much out of this book; Maffin’s questions lead to deeper personal questions that delve into hidden aspects of self.

~review by Diana Rajchel
“Facing North: A Community Project”

Author: June Mack Maffin
Circle Books
pp. 132, $13.95

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Sunday, 24 July 2011 16:44