Author: Bonnie Henry Dr. Bonnie Henry is a Canadian physician; the Provincial Health Officer for the Province of British Columbia, Canada; has worked internationally including with the WHO/UNICEF polio eradication program in Pakistan and the World Health Organization to control the Ebola outbreak in Uganda; and is an associate professor at the University of British Columbia, Faculty of Medicine.
SOUL-QUESTIONS The words “Be kind, be calm and be safe” echo throughout the Province of British Columbia, Canada and far beyond during these days of the COVID19 pandemic. Dr. Henry’s words are a gentle reminder of the importance in any difficult situation that is out of our control, we must do what we can to be calm, kind and safe.
1. Reflect on a moment in your life when you encountered a difficult situation that was out of your control (e.g. a personal situation, COVID19) and you began to panic. – Were you able to regain a sense of control – of peace – of calmness? – If so, how did you do that? – If not, can you identify what kept you in the state of panic?
2. Reflect on another (or the same) moment in your life when you encountered a difficult moment and you felt unsafe. – Were you able to do something to regain a sense of security? – Did you ask/call for help? – Did others help? – If so, how? – If you still feel unsafe, what are some things you can do to move to a position of safety?
3. Reflect on a moment in your life when someone expressed unasked-for kindness to you. – What feelings did you experience as you received such kindness? – Did you express those feelings to the person who offered that kindness?
4. Reflect on a moment in your life when you were unkind to another human being … someone in your family … a neighbour … a stranger … a friend … and animal … the environment. – If you were aware you were being unkind but did/said what you did/said anyway, what feelings did you experience as you were unkind? – If you were aware you were being unkind, did you express that to anyone? … share with the person? … share with a counsellor? … share with a clergy person? … write in your Journal about it? – If so, which? – If not, why not?
******************** How to use “Soulistry Soul-Questions” You may want to begin a Journal so your responses are all in one place.
From time to time, a quotation will appear along with accompanying Soul-Questions. Write the quotation. Add the first question and write your response.
Take your time in writing your replies. This is your time – these are your answers.
Then at your leisure, add the second Soul-Question and respond and continue on. Btw, it helps to put the date after each Soul-Question response.
Quote “When you look at your neighbour’s work, you see it for what it is. When you look at your own work, you see it for what it isn’t.”
Author: Peter Thornton A full-time professional calligrapher and artist for over forty years, Peter Thornton is a Fellow of the Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society (C.L.A.S.) with an international reputation as a gifted teacher and calligrapher. His lighthearted wit and playful approach to teaching brings students eager to learn from him in workshops he has offered throughout the world. He has authored several books and is known for his exploration of the visually and acoustically exciting world of ‘musicalligraphy’ – a combination of sound and letters.
1. Have you ever looked at your own work, art, project, business, life and seen “what it isn’t”? * In your journal, reflect on some moments in your life when you’ve compared your work, art, projects, efforts in sports activities, hobbies etc. with another; seen perfection in their work, but saw nothing like it when you’ve considered your own.
2. Do you put pressure on yourself in other areas of your life, relationships?* If so, consider an example and write about it in your journal.
3. Do others see you as a perfectionist? * Are they accurate?
4. If they are accurate, does your perfectionism interfere with any of your relationships? * If so, how?
5. Are you comfortable with this aspect of your personality? * If you are not comfortable being a perfectionist, what might you do to ease up on yourself so that you can spend less time being self-critical?
6. When someone expresses appreciation of your work, art, efforts, are you able to reply with sincerity and say “thank you”? Or is your response apologetic, self-deprecation? * In your journal, reflect on your response.
7. If you find it difficult to reply with just a simple “thank you,” for whatever reasons,in your journal, reflect on what steps you might take to otherwise reply the next time someone appreciates your art, your friendship, the gift you made them … or expresses appreciation of you.
******************** How to use “Soulistry Soul-Questions” You may want to begin a Journal so your responses are all in one place.
From time to time, a quotation will appear along with accompanying Soul-Questions. Write the quotation. Add the first question and write your response.
Take your time in writing your replies. This is your time – these are your answers.
Then at your leisure, add the second Soul-Question and respond and continue on. Btw, it helps to put the date after each Soul-Question response.
The “Soul-Questions” group on Facebook can be found
The “Soul-Questions” website and individual quotes/soul-questions can be found
Quote “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tunes without the words and never stops at all.”
Author A prolific American poet, Emily Dickinson (1830 – 1886) was considered to be an eccentric by local neighbours, living much of her life in isolation.
Soul-Questions 1. Dickinson makes a connection between ‘hope’ and the ‘soul’ … a spiritual connection. Do you relate to hope as a spiritual connection? * If so, how? * If not, how do you relate to hope?
2. In the past, when you’ve gone through a personal situation that begs the “where is the hope?” question, how/where did you find hope?
3. In situations such as COVID19 and its consequences, who/where do you turn for guidance, counsel – hope?
4. Are you someone who asks for / seeks guidance, counsel, encouragement, hope in difficult times or do you struggle alone? * If the latter, why? * If the former, what prevents you from reaching out / seeking help/guidance
5. Are you open to being a hope-filled / hopeful person? * Are you being open to hope? * If not, what could you do to become open?
******************** How to use “Soulistry Soul-Questions” You may want to begin a Journal so your responses are all in one place.
From time to time, a quotation will appear along with accompanying Soul-Questions. Write the quotation. Add the first question and write your response.
Take your time in writing your replies. This is your time – these are your answers.
Then at your leisure, add the second Soul-Question and respond and continue on. Btw, it helps to put the date after each Soul-Question response.
Quote “What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the signs and sorrows. That is what love looks like.”
Author: Augustine (354-430 CE) was a Latin-speaking theologian and philosopher born in present-day Algeria. He was a key figure in the development of Western Christianity.
1. The ancient Greeks had four words for love: agape (unconditional love) eros (intimate love) philia (friendship love) storgē (natural affection such as felt by parents for children and vice versa)
In your journal, reflect on how you have expressed love in its various forms in the past for family, friend, colleague, stranger, the world.
2. Was the love you showed, expressed verbally? monetarily? physically? emotionally? politically? prayerfully? in an action-oriented way? … simply by your presence? a visit? a card? a handmade gift? a phone call? social media?
3. Journal about an incident where the love you felt was expressed with “hands to help” …
“feet to hasten to the poor and needy” …
“eyes to see misery and want” …
“ears to hear the signs and sorrow” …
4. Are words sufficient to express love or are actions also an integral part of expressing love?
In your journal, consider a situation with someone you say you love but the other tells you that they receive a different message because your actions don’t reflect your words.
5. What can you do to bring the love you say you have for an individual, so that they feel loved by you in both word and action?
6. Consider ways you might express your love that are different from the ways you have expressed love in the past.
In your journal, reflect on situations when you have felt loved … deeply loved … by a parent, child, partner, spouse, God, pet, stranger.
How to use “Soulistry Soul-Questions” You may want to begin a Journal so your responses are all in one place.
From time to time, a quotation will appear along with accompanying Soul-Questions. Write the quotation. Add the first question and write your response.
Take your time in writing your replies. This is your time – these are your answers.
Then at your leisure, add the second Soul-Question and respond and continue on. Btw, it helps to put the date after each Soul-Question response.
The “Soul-Questions” group on Facebook can be found
The “Soul-Questions” website and individual quotes/soul-questions can be found
Quote “Are any of us perfect? I don’t think so. I would rather like to see the spirit. It’s the sparkle in the eye – the slight opening of the soul.”
Author Gwen Weaver (July 22, 1950 – September 19, 2013) was a much loved American calligrapher and teacher who taught with gentleness, humour, patience and professionalism. Gwen’s “Weaver Writing” calligraphy hand has become a favourite of innumerable calligraphers such as artist Marilyn Lundstrom who calligraphed this Soul-Question quote using Gwen’s unique “Weaver Writing.”
1. In your journal, describe a moment in your life when you set perfection as your goal rather than allowing the spirit to flow through you.
2. How might you allow your next project / assignment / performance / presentation be less intentional about ‘skill and understanding’ and more intentional about enjoying the moment?
3. How might you be more open to discovering and uncovering the “sparkle in the eye” of the soul of your
* artistic / creative endeavours
* daily chores
* relationships
* spirituality
4. How can you “see the spirit” in another?
How to use “Soulistry Soul-Questions” You may want to begin a Journal so your responses are all in one place.
From time to time, a quotation will appear along with accompanying Soul-Questions. Write the quotation. Add the first question and write your response.
Take your time in writing your replies. This is your time – these are your answers.
Then at your leisure, add the second Soul-Question and respond and continue on. Btw, it helps to put the date after each Soul-Question response.
Quote “So many gods, so many creeds, so many paths that wind and wind, while just the art of being kind is all the sad world needs.”
Author Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1851 – 1919) was a prolific American writer of prose and poetry. Her strength was her belief in the triumph of hope over despair, of victory over failure, of good over evil, and of kindness over selfishness.
How would you define the “art of being kind”?
What does religion (“so many gods, so many creeds, so many paths that wind and wind”) bring to the world?
What has religion brought to you?
Reflect and journal about specific ways you can express kindness – with family members … immediate and extended – with work colleagues – in your community – with strangers – in the world
********************************************************************** How to use “Soulistry Soul-Questions” You may want to begin a Journal so your responses are all in one place.
From time to time, a quotation will appear along with accompanying Soul-Questions. Write the quotation. Add the first question and write your response. At your leisure, add the second Soul-Question and respond and continue on. Btw, it helps to put the date after each Soul-Question response.
Take your time in writing your replies. This is your time – these are your answers.
The “Soul-Questions” website can be found Scroll through the various images/titles (click ‘earlier posts’ when you get to the bottom of a page), make your choice and begin. Periodically, it may help to check in with the “Welcome” post that explains what Soul-Questions is about.