“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tunes without the words and never stops at all.”

A prolific American poet, Emily Dickinson (1830 – 1886) was considered to be an eccentric by local neighbours, living much of her life in isolation.

1. Dickinson makes a connection between ‘hope’ and the ‘soul’ … a spiritual connection. Do you relate to hope as a spiritual connection?
* If so, how?
* If not, how do you relate to hope?

2. In the past, when you’ve gone through a personal situation that begs the “where is the hope?” question, how/where did you find hope?

3. In situations such as COVID19 and its consequences, who/where do you turn for guidance, counsel – hope?

4. Are you someone who asks for / seeks guidance, counsel, encouragement, hope in difficult times or do you struggle alone?
* If the latter, why?
* If the former, what prevents you from reaching out / seeking help/guidance

5. Are you open to being a hope-filled / hopeful person?
* Are you being open to hope?
* If not, what could you do to become open?

© June Maffin www.facebook.com/groups/soulistry

Artist: Gerry Jackson Kerdok

© June Maffin
Artist: Gerry Jackson Kerdok

How to use “Soulistry Soul-Questions”
You may want to begin a Journal so your responses are all in one place.

From time to time, a quotation will appear along with accompanying Soul-Questions.  Write the quotation. Add the first question and write your response. 

Take your time in writing your replies. This is your time – these are your answers. 

Then at your leisure, add the second Soul-Question and respond and continue on.  Btw, it helps to put the date after each Soul-Question response.

The “Soul-Questions” group on Facebook can be found www.facebook.com/groups/soulquestions

The “Soul-Questions” website and individual quotes/soul-questions can be found www.soulistry.com/soul-questions-blog-posts

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