It’s here! Finally!

Finally we have come to the end of Lent, the end of Holy Week.
It is Easter! “Alleluia! Christ is risen.” “He is risen indeed! Alleluia!”

As the little girl stuck out her tongue at the other little girl, she exclaimed “So there! I told you so! I was right! My mother said that the earth is round and if she said it’s round, then that proves it!”

We want proof that is tangible, reliable, trustworthy.
This day, we want proof of the Resurrection.
And especially, this year, we want proof!

The good news is: the proof is here – all around us.
Not in the physical resurrection appearance of Jesus, but in the hands and feet of Jesus’ followers today.

It’s in the selfless action of … those who staff the pharmacies, grocery stores, hardware stores, gas stations, car repair shops … the truck drivers, ferry workers, school teachers … health care workers, first responders, funeral attendants, nursing home workers.

It’s in the kindness of volunteers … picking up groceries for the elderly, self-isolating and immunocompromised … putting together meals for the homeless, for the shut-ins, lunches for school children, Food Banks.

Proof of the Resurrection? Look around.
Look around your community.

Christ is risen
in you.
Christ is risen
in me.

“Christ is risen!”
“He is risen, indeed!


© June Maffin

The Season of Easter continues for 50 days and throughout the Season of Easter, Soulistry will offer periodic reflections. You are welcome to subscribe to “Soulistry-Artistry of the Soul” and receive those postings automatically in your inbox and/or head to where they will eventually be posted.