“Those who ask questions may be fools for five minutes, but those who do not ask, remain fools forever.”
Author: Chinese proverb
1. What questions do you have about
* life
* yourself
* the world
* love
* forgiveness
* eternity
* death
2. What questions have been more important to you than the answers?
3. What questions have spoken to you on your spiritual journey?
4. In your journal, reflect on one of those questions.
Why was this particular question more important than the answer?
5. Have there been questions about individuals / situations / finances / values / background that you did not ask and wish you had?
In your journal, reflect on those questions and how you might move beyond whatever blocked you in those circumstances?
How to use “Soulistry Soul-Questions”
You may want to begin a Journal so your responses are all in one place.
From time to time, a quotation will appear along with accompanying Soul-Questions. Write the quotation. Add the first question and write your response.
Take your time in writing your replies. This is your time – these are your answers.
Then at your leisure, add the second Soul-Question and respond and continue on. Btw, it helps to put the date after each Soul-Question response.
The “Soul-Questions” group on Facebook can be found www.facebook.com/groups/soulquestions
The “Soul-Questions” website and individual quotes/soul-questions can be found www.soulistry.com/soul-questions-blog-posts

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