“The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.”
Author: Francis Bacon <1909-1992 was a self-taught Irish artist whose life as an artist was a bleak chronicler of the human condition and after the death of his partner, his art became preoccupied with death in a unique style that was bold, austere, graphic and emotionally raw. He claimed to be descended from the Elizabethan philospher with the same name.


1. What does “the mystery” mean to you?

2. What gift of creativity have you been given?

3. What defines / makes someone an “artist“?

4. When you express yourself in some creative way, do you think of yourself as an “artist”?

If not, what would it take for you to see yourself as an artist (be that someone who bakes, sews, sculpts, paints, gardens, draws; does carpentry, flower-arranging, calligraphy; makes cards etc.)?

5. How can you, as artist, “deepen the mystery”?


How to use “Soulistry Soul-Questions”
You may want to begin a Journal so your responses are all in one place.

From time to time, a quotation will appear along with accompanying Soul-Questions.  Write the quotation. Add the first question and write your response. 

Take your time in writing your replies. This is your time – these are your answers. 

Then at your leisure, add the second Soul-Question and respond and continue on.  Btw, it helps to put the date after each Soul-Question response.

The “Soul-Questions” group on Facebook can be found www.facebook.com/groups/soulquestions

The “Soul-Questions” website and individual quotes/soul-questions can be found www.soulistry.com/soul-questions-blog-posts

© June Maffin

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