Welcome to “Soul-Questions” one of the Soulistry *umbrella* groups.

The “Soulistry: Artistry of the Soul – Creative Ways to Nurture Your Spirituality” publication offers 80 quotes by a wide variety of authors along with Soul-Questions to encourage readers to listen to the “still, small Voice within” and know themselves more deeply.

The book’s Preface, Prologue and Appendices supplement the Soul-Questions and are available in the print ‘book’ version available through Amazon, the author, your local bookstore, Gumroad. Over time, more of the quotes and their accompanying “Soul-Questions” from the book will find their way to this Facebook group. If you have a particular title from the list below you would like posted here, feel free to write me here on this site or: june at soulistry dot com.

Please note that if you subscribe to this website, you will receive all Soulistry postings directly into your inbox. No record is kept of your email address – no selling of your personal information either.


TITLES of Quotes and their authors (all with permission to publish) are as follows.

Aging … Mark Twain
Aiming High … Michelangelo
All Shall Be Well … Julian of Norwich
And the Day Came … Anais Nin
A Spiritual Experience … Pierre Teillard de Chardin
A Spirituality of Play … Margaret Guenther
A Spirituality of Work … Confucius
Being Remembered … Mattie Stepanek
Believing … Verna Dozier
Blessed Are You … Jesus of Nazareth
Challenge Your Limits … Jerry Dunn
Come to the Edge … Guillaume Apollinaire
Courage … Ambroe Redmoon
Darkness Deserves Gratitude … Joan Chittister
Deeping the Mystery … Francis Bacon
Doing Good … John Wesley
Doing What You Think You Cannot Do … Eleanor Roosevelt
Draw the Circle Wide … Gordon Light
Excursions to Enchantment … Thomas Moore
Faith … Patrick Overton
Feeding the Wolf … Cherokee Legend
Finding God’s Presence … Herbert O’Driscoll
Forgiveness .. Mahatma Gandhi
Friends … Kahlil Gibran
Gift … Denis Brown
Gladdening the Hearts … Henri Amiel
God’s Milk … Anne Sexton
Gratitude … Meister Eckhart
Happiness … Chinese Proverb
Hatred Ceases … Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)
Holding Fast to Dreams … Langson Hughes
Hope Has Two Daughters … Augustine
Journey Inward … Dag Hammarskjold
Keening … Lara
Keeping Secrets … Paul Tournier
Laughing At Ourselves … Katherine Mansfield
Life Goes On … Robert Frost
Light From Within … Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Living Life With Confidence … Henry David Thoreau
Look Well to This Day … Sanskirt Provert
Loving Your Enemy … Jesus of Nazareth
May I Walk … Navajo Chant
May You Be Blessed … St. Francis of Assisi
Mystery … Martin Buber
Nothing You Can Do … Desmond Tutu
Open Doors … Alexander Graham Bell
Peace Within … Jill Jackson
Problem-Solving … Anthony D’Angelo
Questions That Speak … Chinese Proverb
Radiating Intrinsic Goodness … Wangari Maathai
Rekindling the Light … Albert Schweitzer
Religious Belief … Dalai Lama
Rising Every Time … Confucius
Risking Frustration … Thomas Merton
Secret of the Spiritual Life … Gerald Heard
Seeing the Spirit Sparkle … Gwen Weaver
Six Letters … Gemma Black
Soul Alive … Eleonora Duse
Soul Harvest … Lao Tzu
Soul Stars … Pamela Vaull Starr
Spiritual Mountain-Climbing … Sri chinmoy
Success … Henry Ward Beecher
The Acquisition of Wisdom … Solomon ibn Gabirol
The Art of Being Kind … Ella Wheeler Wilcox
The Idea of God … Madeleine L’Engle (Miguel de Unamuno)
The Mark of Wisdom … Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Only Journey … Raider Maria Rilke
The Web of Life … Chief Seattle (traditionally attributed)
The Well Within … Thich Nhat Hanh
Today I Am Asking … Alice Hancock
Today’s Road … Nagarjuna (traditionally attributed)
Tomorrow’s Seeds … Chinese Proverb
Trusting the Unseen … Ralph Waldo Emerson
Vulnerability … Sigmund Freud
Walking In and Out … Joy Harjo
What Does Love Look Like … Augustine
What is Spirituality … Dan Wakefield
What We See … Peter Thornton
Worldly Inexperience … Joseph Addison

In the Appendices:

How to Make Your Own Journal
The Soulistry “story”
Author Biographies
About the Author – Who Am I?