The wee bunny in this medieval miniature was a challenge for me to make – and fun!   I envision her as “trumpeting the call of the Season of Easter” – inviting people to remember that the Season of Easter (all fifty days – not just Easter Sunday) is a time of new life … re-birth … starting over.

I’ve noticed that people of many faiths (and people of no identifiable religious faith) seem to delight in the traditions and symbols of the Easter Season like rabbits, colourful flowers, Easter eggs, hot cross buns, special times with family.

As I thought about the fifty days of the Easter Season, I wondered about it  not only being a time of tradition, but of ‘spring cleaning’ as well
… spring cleaning our home / garage / garden / craft room / tool shed / social media sites
… donating clothing we’ve not worn for years
… reviewing our photo collection especially those photos we don’t recognize anyone, our record / old tape collection
… downsizing our home, books, fabric stash, art/craft supplies etc.
… considering a more minimalist lifestyle
… choosing a new way of approaching life re: exercise, food choices, relationships, habits, etc.

Whether we self-identify as Christian, Hindu, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Sikh, atheist, agnostic or whatever, the Season of Easter could be a wonderful time to start over … spring clean!

Happy Season of Easter. Happy spring cleaning!


© June Maffin


Medieval miniature rabbit:
2 1/4″ x 3 1/4″  in a 6″ x 8″ frame

She will soon find her new home in Calgary, Alberta