Hello, unexpected image. You arrived without planning, unexpectedly.
You arrived as I doodled and played with pen and cardstock.  Playing can be such fun! 

It can be a reminder  that we never know how life will turn out  be that be
pre-COVID19 … during COVID19 … post-COVID19.  And yet, when we ‘let go’  and let the Muse – the Creator “in”, unexpected blessings can arrive.

What ways can we let the Muse – the Creator – into our lives when so many of us are self-isolating, to help flatten the curve?  Perhaps we could take an on-line workshop?  Or spend time with YouTube videos and explore new crafts, art possibilities?  Or join Pinterest and be captivated by artistic eye-candy that stimulates that “I want to do something creative” inner being? Or clean out out cupboards/garage/Studio?  Or doodle and see who shows up … like this little sea urchin that simply “appeared” as I doodled.  🙂

The ideas are plentiful.  Let’s “let the Muse in!


© June Maffin www.soulistry.com/blog www.facebook.com/groups/soulistry