Welcome Friday!

You bring possibilities
… possibilities for this day
… possibilities for the coming weekend.

You bring possibilities
… for personal growth,
… spiritual renewal
,,, physical progress.

This day is going to be a Fabulous Friday
regardless of the meteorological weather
… cold? rainy? overcast? snowy? hot?

This day is going to be a Fabulous Friday
… because l refuse to be upset by the political weather
unpredictable? frightening? confusing?

This day is going to be a Fabulous Friday
… because I will choose to look for
some situation / some person / some interaction that will bring a smile to my face. 

This day is going to be a Fabulous Friday
… because I will choose to be some one
in some situation / in some interaction that will bring a smile to someone’s face.

Welcome Friday! ðŸ’•

© June Maffin